How to make the most of your time

How to make the most of your time

Let’s take a moment to be in our bodies right now. 
To take a few deep breaths. 
To be present and notice how we feel.

This past week has been a bit wild at my job – as many of you know. Between all the shenanigans I have shared previously, there is also a bit of a war going on between management and therapists on determining if we get a break or not. To understand the if this is in fact something the therapists want, they sent out a survey. 

In the survey they asked some good questions referring to time management. 
The questions got me thinking… & I believe it’s healthy for everyone to check in every now & then to see how they’re handling their time & if it aligns with their goals. 

So today  I will leave you with variations of these questions that I’ve been floating around in my head & heart 🙂  

– How are you currently preparing for your day?
(think of the flow of your morning, how you spend your down time, do you have time for yourself & self care?, etc.) 

– Are there things you could change that would set you up better for a more fulfilled day?
(would you feel better if you had more time to do xyz, or if you cut out xxx?)

– In your dream life, how would you change your schedule / manage your time differently? 
(pick the smallest thing from this that is accessible & do it!)

Sit with these. Walk with these. Talk to someone about them and see what comes up for you. If you’d like, feel free to share your answers with me!

Jessica ‘Joy’ Holt

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