Where do you store your emotions? 

Where do you store your emotions? 

What are you holding onto?

When I was in massage school we had a whole class around the metaphysical body & how it played into the physical side of things.
I was fascinated to learn about how we store things such as emotions in our body- and how that can be translated. 
It brought me back to teaching yoga classes where we go into certain poses and people burst into tears- not from the physical pain, but the emotional release.
The same thing can happen in massage, sound healing, energy work…
As we bring awareness to what we are holding onto, we can choose to let things process and let it flow / go. 

This is not an extensive list, but a good starting place to check-in. 

If you are more interested in this topic let me know!

I can do a series on it 🙂 

Jessica ‘Joy’ Holt

2 thoughts on “Where do you store your emotions? 

  1. This is very interesting info, Jessica. Thanks for sharing. Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. The list you gave shows how we can store those emotions.

    1. The Divine talks to us in so many ways! I love finding new ways to interpret it & understand together <3

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