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Category: Life

The Only True States & March Journal Release

The Only True States & March Journal Release

End of the month reflection We’re already in the final week of the shortest month of the year. As we dive deeper into 2024, things are as busy, hectic, and exciting as ever. It’s a whirlwind of possibilities, opportunities, hope, and maybe just a touch of fear. But let’s not forget that at the core of our emotions are just two: love and fear.Fear might not be the most pleasant feeling, but it can actually be pretty useful. It can…

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The Wolf Moon

The Wolf Moon

FULL MOON ON JANUARY 25TH THEMES: SELF REFLECTION | INNER POWER | TRANSFORMATION Welcome to the very first full moon of 2024! As its powerful light shines upon us, it lights up our path and guides us into this new year. Can you believe we’ve already reached the end of the first month? How do you feel about the year so far? What experiences has it brought your way? And what aspirations do you feel compelled to achieve in the…

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Daily Affirmation

Daily Affirmation

Here’s a super simple method to connect with and recharge your energy using affirmations (and what’s the difference between a mantra and an affirmation) These are some of my daily things I repeat to myself, while filling my water bottle, stirring my coffee, during my nightly routine, etc.  But what sets mantras and affirmations apart?  Mantras are repetitive sounds or phrases utilized during meditation or spiritual sessions. They are commonly used by Buddhists and Hindus to induce a sense of…

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The Journey & The Purpose

The Journey & The Purpose

I honor my inner knowing.I trust my path.All that I seek I can find within me.I am aligned, guided and protected. I wanted to take a moment to talk about something that’s been on my mind lately: choosing the right path for ourselves and how our strengths play into that, not just for our own growth, but also for the benefit of others. You know, everyone’s strengths are significant, and what’s incredible is how they vary from person to person….

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Experiencing the Magic of Change 

Experiencing the Magic of Change 

Let me tell you about our recent adventure to the marvelous Moab, Utah – a place that holds a special spot in my heart. We embarked on our road trip, craving the beauty of nature and ready to enrich our knowledge with a wilderness first aid course. (something I believe every human should take) To make our journey even more breathtaking, we chose to take the scenic route through Capitol Reef National Park. The sights along the way were absolutely awe-inspiring. And,…

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November Journal | Samhain, Vata, Thanksgiving Magic |

November Journal | Samhain, Vata, Thanksgiving Magic |

Welcome to the month of November! Unlock the ethereal pages of your monthly journal and immerse yourself in the mesmerizing world of moon cycles, enlightening holiday insights, soothing ayurvedic tips for the season, delightful journaling prompts, and other enchanting tidbits. In this journey, we’ll embrace the presence of Samhain, Thanksgiving, and the vibrant Vata season. May this journal be your companion in nurturing a blissful monthly self-care routine. To access the journal: Join the Good Vibe Tier on Patreon ($5/month,…

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The Truth About Meditation & a little update

The Truth About Meditation & a little update

There’s this misconception around meditation…Many believe it’s about freeing yourself from your thoughts & feelings completely. Your mind being utterly still & blank.Good luck with that. What I have found through yoga trainings, meditation training, sound healing, vipasana studies, etc. to be more true is the ability to feel your feelings, to be present with them, to hold space to understand them – and to let them flow through you without holding an attachment.  In yoga you will often hear…

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Back to the Basics

Back to the Basics

Recently I’ve been reminded it can be a good practice to go back to the basics. As I continue to work with a personal trainer towards my fitness goals, I have struggled with issues I didn’t realize I had.  I’ve mentioned that I’ll have some knee pain every now and then, or how my hips or lower-back may feel a bit stiff at times. The other day he had me pause, and asked me to stand up from being on…

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Don’t mistake your ego for intuition.

Don’t mistake your ego for intuition.

“Trust your gut” “Your intuition knows best” “Listen to your heart” Are all wonderful pieces of advice –  if you know how to actually apply them. A common error that we make is confusing the ego for intuition. And that can cause all kinds of problems… So let’s dive into what some of the flags may be to separate the two so you know which you are dealing with next time an issue comes forward…  Intuition favors abundance, ego favors…

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Counting Sleep

Counting Sleep

What’s your highest score in the game of sheep? I mean, what’s the highest number you have gotten to before falling asleep?I know we have all been there. Throughout our lives most of us struggle with sleeping at one point or another. But how do we beat this?Here are two simple hacks I have studied and found to be effective. Your bedroom is a sacred space This one has been the biggest one for me. I used to do everything…

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