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Category: Life

I Find Myself {Poem}

I Find Myself {Poem}

“When you let go of who you are, you become who you might be.” -Rumi As I choose to let go, more and more I find myself. I find myself happy. I find myself free. I find myself intrigued and growing. I find myself in nature, wondering at Her beauty. Listening to the wind and the waves as they sing, soaking in Her sun, feeling Her grounding presence; loved by all that is, for all is me and I am…

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It’s Okay To Be Alone.

It’s Okay To Be Alone.

It’s okay to be alone. To search for solitude In the minds home. I find peace within myself; Letting my mind wander, As my body roams about. You can label me as you want, Loner. Introvert. I merely enjoy my own presence To that of large groups And inauthentic experience. Give me a tree to sit under, Stars to gaze, An authentic conversation, None of those Can I beat. But I have found That being alone Is not the same…

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All Abroad Part II: Norway 2016

All Abroad Part II: Norway 2016

Norway 2016 from Bohom Life on Vimeo. What do you think about when you think of Norway? For me, it is a mixture of things. My Grandma, Mimi, who still has her Norwegian accent. Sitting on a train, watching some of the most beautiful landscape roll by and by. Skipping rocks in the fjords with my family. Learning how to peel shrimp, and forevermore staying away from that practice. Norwegian waffles and how they are thought of as a snack…

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All Abroad! Part I: Ireland 2016

All Abroad! Part I: Ireland 2016

Ever since I can remember, I have wanted to visit Ireland. It was the top on my list for YEARS. There was even a time when I swore up and down that I would marry an Irish guitar player. Priorities change, but my love for travel has not. When my Mom presented me with the opportunity to take a two week trip to Ireland and Norway with the family, I knew I had to say yes. At the time I…

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Never Stop Believing In You

Never Stop Believing In You

Believe in Yourself. There have been so many times in my life Where I have questioned myself. I think that it is healthy. Take a beat, consider what you are doing. Is it for your best self, your best life? Or are you holding onto things that are not For your best self, your best life? Take those moments, THINK. But do not stop, Never stop believing in yourself. We live in a Beautiful World. But that does not mean…

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To My Nephew, Holten

To My Nephew, Holten

Where do I begin? Welcome to your life little guy! You chose quite the day to make an appearance. The Adventure To You Let’s just say it is sure to be a day we will never forget, largely because you decided to join us. At 2:30 in the morning I awoke because of the massive storms that were rumbling through the area. One thing you should know about your Aunt- terrified of tornados. When I was little I would pack…

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Roadtrip 2016

Roadtrip 2016

Utah- California-Ohio Welcome to Canyonlands National Park outside of Moab, UT! My other home <3 This trip began on a beautiful October day. Even though it was my second summer in Moab, I had not been able to see much of the attractions that bring people in from all over our World. Being a raft guide, you work about six and a half days a week and spend all those days on the river. (No complaints there!) This past summer I worked…

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Healthy No Bake Cookies

Healthy No Bake Cookies

I got the inspiration to try to make HEALTHY  No Bake Cookies for Christmas this year. Being on a tight budget, but also having the desire to have something for everybody (that they would actually like) can be a bit of a challenge, to say the least. But one day it came to me- I was at my Dad’s house where my little sister and stepmom were baking and making some delicious treats. Some super healthy pumpkin cookies and then…

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How To Have Your Own Water-Balloon Paint Party!

How To Have Your Own Water-Balloon Paint Party!

How to Have Your Own Water-Balloon Paint Party! from Bohom Life on Vimeo.     Originally, I had the idea of copying The Princess Diaries movie, where the mom and daughter throw darts at water-balloons and pop them to make some awesome art. It looked like a fun time and I wanted a chill way to celebrate turning 24! (Let’s be honest, I can only use laser tag for my birthday SO many times). But then I got to thinking…

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