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Category: Life

Morning Fruit Bowl {A healthy dose of adventure & perspective}

Morning Fruit Bowl {A healthy dose of adventure & perspective}

Life is an adventure. We search, we learn, we grow. It is put together by experiences, emotions and evolving. Do not limit yourself on these. Over this past summer, my journey has escalated quickly. I am sure we have all experienced some big changes in our lives, some underlying current pushing us forward, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not. I will not go too hippy on you {yet} by going into energies and astrology, but I will just…

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RVR2RVR Moab SUP Clinic 2017

RVR2RVR Moab SUP Clinic 2017

  Over the past three summers in Moab, I have had the opportunity to meet quite a few inspirational people. One of them being Natali Zollinger, a badass lady who runs the river with true skill. When she offered the opportunity to partake in her Stand Up Paddle board (SUP) Clinic, I could not resist. Especially since the company I work with was a part of it. Fate, meet destiny! The night before the clinic started, we all met at…

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Mineral Springs {& their Benefits}

Mineral Springs {& their Benefits}

Nowadays, most of us are familiar with the idea that Epsom salt baths and hot tubs can be beneficial to us in many ways. Other than just feeling fantastic. But what about mineral springs? Not too long ago, I took a road-trip with my friend Austin to Telluride, CO, where I got to experience my first hot spring! It was a neat experience (aside from the deer fly attack), and brought me to pose the question, how do hot springs benefit…

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Long Canyon Class {Yoga Video}

Long Canyon Class {Yoga Video}

Travel alone. Find places that baffle your mind and expand your soul.  For this class I went on a journey to the top of Long Canyon, by the recommendation of a friend (thanks Michelle!). This trip allowed me to let go of some expectations I had been holding on to. What I had planned to be a trip with a friend, ended up as a lone journey (still with Ocoee of course) and being very much what I needed. I…

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We Should Be So Lucky…

We Should Be So Lucky…

We should be so lucky to have our worlds turned upside down. To fall in love, Crazy, stupid love. One that changes us, Completely. That makes us question everything we have ever known and believed. A love that shakes our foundations and makes us see things differently. And we should be so lucky to lose that love too. To have that new world we built up, ripped from under our feet. Because it is then that you start to form…

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Life is Messy

Life is Messy

Some of you may have noticed, a post did not make it up last week. And why was that? We all are going through this messy thing called life. And sometimes during the flow of it all, it becomes a struggle. We get lost. We get confused and feel alone and not sure of the next move, how we are going to get where we want to go… hell, we are not even sure of where that is anymore. Recently…

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Flow {Poem}

Flow {Poem}

Wonderous. Absolute Testament. Encapturing reacting. I’m drawn to your flow, The way you move, How you react So effortlessly, Shaping everything in your path. You never resist, Yet always persist. Leading by example, All the lessons you teach. Available for all to see, But few to understand. Opening their minds by your gentle waves. I love riding your rapids, Surfing your waves. I’ve been caught in your undertow, To be released by your grace. Wherever I go, I find myself drawn…

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My Taco Life (Tacoma Build)

My Taco Life (Tacoma Build)

While food is awesome, I should let you know right now that I am not talking about the deliciousness that is the taco. I am talking about my Toyota Tacoma, aka “Taco.” It is funny for me to think back to just a few years ago when I never imagined I would be living in anything but an apartment or a regular house. I have been extremely blessed in my life, able to live in these very nice places with…

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San Rafael Float {Little Grand Canyon}

San Rafael Float {Little Grand Canyon}

  “I am happy out here. Messy hair, dirty feet & wild water on my skin. Out here with the wild things; this is where I belong.” – Brooke Hampton As with most things I do nowadays, this trip was planned only a few days before it took place. A facebook post from a friend led to a party, which got us a solid group and then we were on the way to our adventure! (Thanks for bringing it all…

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Building Man 2017

Building Man 2017

  “…life nowhere appears so brave, so bright, so full of oracle and miracle as in the desert.” – Edward Abbey   I fell back in love. Not in your usual sense, though. Not with a person, but with a place. The high desert. As I was walking alongside a fellow goddess, my feet stirring up the sand below me, the stars lighting up the sky above, the heat radiating from the warmth the sun had left upon the ground…

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