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Category: Life

Jaipur, India: 10 Days Of Silence {Vipassana}

Jaipur, India: 10 Days Of Silence {Vipassana}

Amidst a white stone balcony overlooking a green garden just outside the “Pink City” of Jaipur, I write the first words I have been able to put to page in nearly two weeks. When I started this adventure I knew it would be challenging, but I had no idea how much it would change me. Getting There Leaving Rishikesh after five weeks was an odd mixture of emotions. Excitement for the next part of the journey… sadness for leaving behind…

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Bohom Travels: Whitewater Rafting the Ganges River

Bohom Travels: Whitewater Rafting the Ganges River

“A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself.” – Mary Angelou The river won my soul a few years back. On a midnight float down the Colorado, I encountered my first rapids with some remarkable Moab souls and have never looked back to the girl I was before that night. So when I saw an Ashram that…

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Bohom Travels: Ganga River & Sacred Cave Meditation

Bohom Travels: Ganga River & Sacred Cave Meditation

Greeting the day with tea and crossing the Ram Jhula; feeling the uneasy yet steadiness of the suspension bridge above the clear blue-green water of the Ganga shimmering below. Bodies and bikes buzzing around in the busy dance of morning- the makings of an adventure. My first time in an autorickshaw, crammed with people as it climbed up and around the foothills of the Himalayas. Dropping us on the side of the road as we waited for the bus that…

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Bohom Travels: Rishikesh, India. Tips, Phrases & Story Time.

Bohom Travels: Rishikesh, India. Tips, Phrases & Story Time.

Every time I go somewhere, I find a new part of myself. Every new experience is a part of you waiting to be revealed. How you reveal it is up to you. Are you going to be open to it, or closed off?  While I was a bit tentative my first week in India, I have been opening up more each day, or at least trying to. The course is definitely challenging, and revealing to me aspects of myself I…

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Bohom Travels: India. Preparation & First Impressions.

Bohom Travels: India. Preparation & First Impressions.

Hari Om everyone! This week I am writing from Rishikesh, India. After three years I have decided to go for my 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) with the Rishikul Yogshala Ashram. It was not a light decision, as this would be the first time I have traveled to this side of the World, and alone at that. But from the seed of the idea, I was excited. And now here I am! So, what could I possibly have to…

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Red River Gorge Getaway

Red River Gorge Getaway

“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” – John Muir I am learning that nature and my soul are inseparable. You cannot take one away from the other. My heart longs to be under the stars, my body aches to walk along a dirt path. My ears listen for the rustle of the wind as my eyes seek the abundant colors of the sun rising and setting. A full day in nature is more living…

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Bodhi Andrew Zink

Bodhi Andrew Zink

  “You yourself are the eternal energy which appears as this universe. You didn’t come into this world, you came out of it, like a wave from the ocean.” – Alan Watts & Each wave has a purpose.  Anticipation I remember the day I heard about you. It is a magical thing really, learning that love came together to create a person. Someone who is and is not at the same time, but inevitably will BE, soon enough. And you…

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Balance in the Mountains (Road-trip Moab-Ohio)

Balance in the Mountains (Road-trip Moab-Ohio)

“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.”            – Paulo Coelho Yet another season has come and gone, with what to show for it? So much. So amazingly much. This summer taught me lessons in friendship, love, honesty, communication, compassion, travel, safety, FUN and more! I am ever so grateful for…

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Road Lines

Road Lines

Long drives give ample time To reflect inside. See what you find. It is fun to sing loud,  let the windows down,  Blow your hair around. To debate with the wind, The scenery ever-changing, Outside and within. It is easy to let the time pass- But to be active and present, That is the test. With thousands of miles left to go, States between me and my destination With what to show? Do I know what is coming? What a funny…

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Solar Eclipse. Castle Valley View.

Solar Eclipse. Castle Valley View.

“The Moon loves the Sun just as shadows love light. Love your shadow until your love transforms it into light.” The New Moon, or Solar eclipse occurred at 28 degrees Leo, on August 21, 2017, at 12:30 p.m. MST. The eclipse has always been something of magic to mankind. Some praised them, others hid from them. In China, drums were beaten and rituals performed until the sun would return. In India, pregnant women were made to stay inside to avoid the…

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