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Category: Life

Finding Enough Pt 2

Finding Enough Pt 2

Part 2“𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵?” She asked me while I took my storm trooper mask to the studio. ⁣Because I want to. ⁣⁣So many people will judge us for who we are, what we do, what we look like. Let them. That is their own issue. She does not like Star Wars (she has never watched it), so she does not appreciate the Storm Trooper mask. I know a few of you will smile at it, like I did….

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Finding Enough

Finding Enough

Part 1 This might shock a few of you, including my family.⁣⁣Someone recently asked me how I got into health/holistic health. When I was in high school I was insecure. So much so that I became bulimic and anorexic. On top of that I was working out 3+ hours a day, taking diet pills, AP classes, working multiple jobs…⁣I was not in a healthy place. I thought that if I lost weight, I would be healthy. ⁣⁣I passed out in…

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Free Flow

Free Flow

The availability of whole-some content and mindful movement is important for a full spectrum of health. There is ample opportunity online at this point with online coaches, apps, and studios taking their classes online. It is beautiful to see how so many are reacting in a loving, caring manner to share what they can and help others in a time of uncertainty, and certainly change. I have also started doing weekly Facebook Live Yoga Classes. They take place on Fridays…

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The Sound of the Rain

The Sound of the Rain

Change can be beautiful and scary at the same time. You can be hurting and wonder what tomorrow will bring, but you can also be healing and happy. Sometimes it’s best not to question why you are feeling this way, but experience all the emotions change can bring. Change can be a beautiful, but scary process… Tiffany Moule I was supposed to be in California. Attending my first Tony Robbins event. It was two days away when it got canceled….

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AB Yoga Program Release

AB Yoga Program Release

After months of working and developing with AB Calisthenics, we have come up with a Yoga Program that I am so stoked to share with you! This program will be available through the workout app and can be added on to the nutrition and/or workout programs. What it will include: 12 weeks of training 2-way messaging 2 weekly basic yoga & bodyweight classes Semi-personalized classes Progress Photos 3 Yoga PDFs Phone calls bi-weekly for check-ups, re-evaluating and accountability Super affordable!…

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New Years Workout Challenge

New Years Workout Challenge

2019 was a crazy year. As it comes to an end I am so excited to reveal that I will be joining AB Calisthenics as the online yoga coach! My first ever launch for this will be in the New Years Workout Challenge! As shared by AB Calisthenics creator, Austin Bagshaw, here is all the information you need to get stoked! What is the New Years Workout Challenge? “I am currently working on a 100% Free New Year Workout challenge…

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Wrist & Elbow Relief

Wrist & Elbow Relief

I find it intriguing how we are often presented with lessons in life that can help more than ourselves. This winter I was dealt a hand I did not feel ready for and became rather frustrated. One thing after another seemed to go wrong, and after three consecutive car accidents, I struggled to find the purpose and light behind it all.When I started to go to the chiropractor and he pointed out that my wrist and elbow kept going out…

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Living In Memory

Living In Memory

Today I send a little extra love to all my family, friends, and acquaintances. Know that however you have come into my life, you have had an influence. We tend to think that our influence on people is miniscule, and it may seem as such, but when we take the time to look back and reflect on what people have done for us, what they have become to us, nothing seems very small anymore. Those moments of laughter that we…

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Wandering into 2019

Wandering into 2019

As the new year stumbled into our lives, chasing out the fires of 2018 and encouraging us into the excitement of new promises, I found myself feeling stalled. I stood in the deep Colorado snow as midnight struck, accompanied by my sister and dear friend, watching the stars light up the vast horizon of the mountainous night sky… and remembered how I had welcomed in the year of 2018. Ankle deep in another form of water, across the world on…

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Rantings of a Fall Daze

Rantings of a Fall Daze

There is something about the changing of seasons that sparks the soul, that guides my gaze to the color-changing leaves and my pen to paper. To see the peaks in a blanket of white, contrasting the endless blue sky above and the vast shades of gold from the trees below sets me in a daze. What was only a few days ago vibrant green against the blue-gray rock, has now transformed to its next stage. It does not fight the…

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