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Category: Life

Stop Sabotaging Your Metabolism

Stop Sabotaging Your Metabolism

I made this mistake for almost 8 years. And I am sure I am not alone with it. When I was in college I became very aware of “counting calories.” Now, this practice isn’t a terrible one to have. But we often get into it for the wrong reasons.  It inevitably brought more mindfulness and attention to my eating habits. As I logged my food consistently, I became much more aware of what I was putting into my body. This…

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Who you surround yourself with matters.

Who you surround yourself with matters.

The people you choose to be around, you also choose their influence. By allowing them into your life, your circle, you’re allowing them access to shape you and your experiences. Example: when I was first starting into the adventure world, I was in a new relationship. This relationship was an important one in my development, but it also had a lot of issues and red flags. I chose to ignore and look past a lot because I wanted that relationship…

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Respect Your Boundaries

Respect Your Boundaries

It has taken me a long time to understand my own boundaries.  The problem here is that if you don’t know your boundaries, then you can’t expect others to respect them. And boundaries are important to have.  Let me guess, you are scared of upsetting people by setting boundaries?  You don’t want to seem whiny, bitchy, or needy, etc.  I’ve heard it, I’ve felt it.  But I promise you, they are important.  And not only for yourself. For those you…

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Waking up in Pain

Waking up in Pain

You know what the best kind of morning is? One where you wake up in pain. Your mindset immediately goes to a negative space because your whole being feels that negative state. You feel the stiffness in your body, the aches and sharp pains radiating throughout. You don’t want to get up because you’re tired, and tired of feeling this way. Obviously, that is the opposite of an ideal morning. But it’s the kind of morning most of us allow…

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Learning from the bad

Learning from the bad

Warning: what I am asking today is not easy. Today, I am asking you to think about things that may be harder, or uncomfortable. Why? Because, In my experience, it has been those moments where we really learned some of our biggest lessons. It was in those moments where things felt heavy, wrong, upsetting, not as we wanted them- it was there that we learned more deeply, and faster than we have before. So… What was one of the harder…

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Are you familiar with the “whole” idea? The idea that eating foods in their whole form is better for you because your body knows how to recognize this DNA pattern better, and therefore can digest it better. I think this goes for just about everything.  When you are not your whole self, this causes harm to your system.  When you feel like you have to break yourself down into smaller pieces for people to chew, you are holding yourself back. …

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I challenge you.

I challenge you.

Try this for a moment-  Think about how you talk to your closest friend. Your best friend, who you love. Do you talk to them in a fun, kind, supportive and loving fashion? You probably have their back, right? Now, think about how you talk to yourself. Can you say you speak to yourself in the same way? My guess is no. We usually don’t. It is so easy to get down on ourselves. To be overly critical. Now, I…

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Where are your boundaries?

Where are your boundaries?

When was the last time you defined your boundaries. For your friendships. Your relationship. Your family. Yourself. What do you need to have space to grow? What challenges you to strive towards your best self? What are the things you cannot, and will no longer, tolerate to save your energy and peace of mind? Some of my favorite ones that I have personally learned and enforced these past few years are: Mutual respect Mutual support Trust Show up, especially when…

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What makes you feel alive?

What makes you feel alive?

Is it when you walk the edge, testing how far you can go with something you have never tried before? Or maybe pushing yourself to run just a little further? What about watching a sunset with your friends?  What are the moments that you hang on to every second of? That you are completely aware of each breath, each movement because you are fully and completely present? These moments are important. They give us renewed purpose and joy. They light…

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(Your) Secret Power

(Your) Secret Power

Do you believe in the power of manifestation? I do. The Law of Attraction has been a very powerful thing in my life. And, as I have gotten older, the more powerful it has become. Not necessarily because of my age, but because I continue to learn how to access it and apply it into my life.  Tips on the power of manifestation: Be positive.  The Law of Attraction does not differentiate between positive and negative. Whatever is on your…

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