Learning to Listen to the Body

Learning to Listen to the Body

Our body is constantly telling us things, through feelings, pain, emotions, etc. It’s a network of information trying to get you to understand and listen to it. 

And honestly, it’s pretty amazing. 

As a massage therapist & yoga specialist, I see these things manifest in different people all across the board. Yet, often times, the story behind what’s manifesting has a common factor. 

How emotions may manifest in the body:

Headaches – Overwhelmed.

Sore neck – stubbornness and/or inflexibility.

Muslce tension – suppressed emotions.

Dizziness – frustration or irritability.

Restlessness – lack of certainty.

Digestive issues – overthinking and/or excessive worry. 

When needs go unmet, they can manifest in other ways. 

Let’s look at what you may feel vs what that may be signaling you need…

Anxious – you may need to feel more safety, security, & stability

Resentful – you may need to feel heard, understood, or noticed

Numb – you may need to feel supported, safe, loved

Overwhelmed – you may need to have space, support, “me time”

Disconnected – you may need to feel noticed, loved, prioritized

Distrustful – you may need to have honesty, openness, loyalty

Stressed – you may need to prioritize yourself & self-care

Learning to listen to our body and understand what it’s trying to communicate to you is a huge part of self-care and awareness. The more aware of yourself you become, the easier it becomes to consistently take care of yourself and show up as the best version of yourself. 

What has your body been telling you lately?

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