Waking up in Pain

Waking up in Pain

You know what the best kind of morning is?

One where you wake up in pain. Your mindset immediately goes to a negative space because your whole being feels that negative state. You feel the stiffness in your body, the aches and sharp pains radiating throughout. You don’t want to get up because you’re tired, and tired of feeling this way.

Obviously, that is the opposite of an ideal morning. But it’s the kind of morning most of us allow to happen, again and again. Accepting it into our lives almost as a daily routine.

So, if we can all recognize that this is not our ideal start of the day, and definitely not an ideal life, why don’t you do something to change it?

Because of neurological linking. We associate two things – pain and pleasure – to nearly everything. So, if the first morning sounds like yours but you haven’t really done anything to change it, most likely it’s because you associate more pain to the idea of change, or what you would have to change, than the pain you’re currently experiencing.

Think on that.

What would you have to change to wake up in a better state?

Your sleeping patterns?

Your water intake?

Your nutritional habits?

Your exercise routine?

Your yoga and/or meditation practice?

All of the above?

When you were reading through that list, how did you feel? What feelings came up with each word? I bet there was some resistance around a few. And that would be because you associate more pain than pleasure towards that word/experience.

I challenge you today to embrace that. Really acknowledge your feelings and dig deep. Why do you feel pain/resistance towards that? What do you really want?

Do you want to continue to wake up and live as you have been, or do you want something different?

If you want something different, why is that?

Dig deep. Find the route to your answers. That is where you can reroute pain vs pleasure. Find the link, and you can change your life.

FYI- My case study is out! I am taking on a few selective clients for this program that I am so STOKED for!

How Nintendo Changed My Life and Can Do the Same For You:

Introducing the Yogi Health Hack

It’s a 12 week program with personalized online yoga classes (for you and your schedule) with nutrition! There’s a lot more to it, so if you are interested, watch this video and then answer the question at the end!

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