What makes you feel alive?

What makes you feel alive?

Is it when you walk the edge, testing how far you can go with something you have never tried before? Or maybe pushing yourself to run just a little further? What about watching a sunset with your friends? 

What are the moments that you hang on to every second of? That you are completely aware of each breath, each movement because you are fully and completely present?

These moments are important. They give us renewed purpose and joy. They light up our souls and stir our most deep and stagnant emotions. They wake us up to our potential.

What if you could have these more often? Would you?

Of course you would. We all want to feel more alive. We all want that thrill, to thrive even.

So, you are wondering how it would be possible… you create that possibility. You become more aware of yourself. 

  • Write down the moments you have felt the most alive.
  • Then write down where you are now in your life. 
    • Your position, your feelings, every detail you can think of. 
  • Now, write down three things you could do, that you want to do, that would make you feel alive. 
    • Run more often? Go skydiving? Travel?

One more hack- 

  • Now, imagine you have just completed the top thing on your last list. The thing that you want to do that makes you feel alive. Imagine how you feel. Embody this feeling as much as possible. What is your mental state? Your breath like? How does your whole body feel? Notice everything you can and write that down. 

If you do this even once a week, you will notice a difference. In your mental state and in your state of awareness in your everyday life. Maybe you even go and do what you wrote down, for real. It is amazing what can happen when we inspire ourselves. 

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