(Your) Secret Power

(Your) Secret Power

Do you believe in the power of manifestation?

I do.

The Law of Attraction has been a very powerful thing in my life. And, as I have gotten older, the more powerful it has become. Not necessarily because of my age, but because I continue to learn how to access it and apply it into my life. 

Tips on the power of manifestation:

  • Be positive. 
    • The Law of Attraction does not differentiate between positive and negative. Whatever is on your mind is what it focuses on. So, if you are always thinking, “I don’t have enough money,” what do you think is going to happen? Or “this isn’t the life/body I want?” The mind is VERY powerful. Use it in a beneficial way! You can instead think like, “I am so excited to have money,” or, “I am excited to have an abundant life/ beautiful body.” Even if you do not have what you are thinking of quite yet, if you continue to catch yourself and fix your mentality, it will become easier and the results will show up quicker.
  • Be clear. 
    • You need clear thoughts and intentions. How much money do you want? What kind of life do you want? Where do you want to travel to? Dig deep! Find your real desires and state them clearly.
  • It takes patience.
    • This can take time to get down. You have to pay attention to your thoughts. And that is not an easy task for a lot of us! You have to watch your thoughts, and catch yourself if you are thinking negatively or against your true desires. 

Here are some great resources for more information to dive deeper into the idea of manifestation and the law of attraction:

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle 

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

There are so many others out there, but those were a few I enjoyed!

For now, I will leave you with this affirmation (one of my all-time favorites)  to read once a day/couple days/week (as often as suits you!):

I am attracting unconditional love, 

abundance, high-vibrational experiences, 

and sacred connections. 

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