When We Realize…

When We Realize…

We often do not realize how far we have come until we look behind us.

It is easy to feel like we have not moved at all, when in reality we have climbed mountains. 

If you look back at your life over the past year, I bet you would find a few big changes. If you look back over the last five, I bet you would be surprised. The last ten? Even more so. 

We get so caught up in our ruts and daily lives, we forget to be grateful for what we have already accomplished. What we get done just by living. The mindset changes we go through, the amount of growth we experience just by living life. We must not forget to look back.

Not that we need to dwell on the past, but we need to be aware of it. That is how we learn from it. It is a part of us, no matter how much we change or run from it. We must acknowledge that is how we got to where we are now, and that is how we are going to continue to better ourselves moving forward. 

What are 3 things you have learned about yourself over the past five years? What are some mindset changes you have had? Big life experiences?

I challenge you to think about these things. Maybe even write them down. Notice what happens when you do.

PS- here is a small class with a focus on knee modifiers 🙂

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