Dig Deep

Dig Deep

It is okay to be unsure right now. To feel overwhelmed and confused. It is okay to be angry and upset…

What is not okay is to stop.

This is not where you stop. Where you give up and quit on yourself. 

This is where you push. This is where effort versus motivation comes in. 

This is where you take a good look at yourself and figure out who you are. 

What you see in the mirror versus what you want to see. 

Where you find the fire in you to keep going, even when you do not “want” to anymore. 

This is where what you “want” becomes irrelevant against what you need. 

Dig deep.

Remember all you have been through, all you have learned. 

Remember the choices and the paths that have led you here. 

Remember why you want what you are working towards, and then even better, remember why you need it. 

Push for that. 

Sit with that.

Take five minutes and write it down. 

Let it flow from your pen to paper, manifesting it into reality with each materialized letter. 

What do you need, why do you need it. 

This is where you decide if you play a part in creating your future, or if you just let yourself be a part of it. 

This is where you decide. 

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