The Sound of the Rain

The Sound of the Rain

Change can be beautiful and scary at the same time. You can be hurting and wonder what tomorrow will bring, but you can also be healing and happy. Sometimes it’s best not to question why you are feeling this way, but experience all the emotions change can bring. Change can be a beautiful, but scary process…

Tiffany Moule
(not my photo) a shot from the waterways in Venice.
Now clear due to a lack of motorboat traffic.

I was supposed to be in California. Attending my first Tony Robbins event. It was two days away when it got canceled. They had done everything in their power to keep the event going, but the outbreak was becoming too much and then California declared a State of Emergency. The event was postponed. So I changed my plans, I would fly to Ohio and visit my family. I had felt like I had missed a lot lately and that I should be there. Within 24 hours I had to cancel that flight as well, my mom had spoken with Cleveland Clinic doctors and they recommended against flying. So, I drove. I packed up Ocoee and continued on with my plan to be with my family for a week. None of us knew what was in store.

It is funny, if you just look outside then nothing seems different. I see the same view I did growing up. The pond, the green grass, rolling hills, and the trees are all the same. I hear the gentle sound of the rain when it finds the earth. It looks and sounds no different than before, and yet everything is.

How much of the World will be the same once this is over? Will it all go back to “normal?” Or are we in the middle of a turning point? It feels more like the latter. It is getting harder and harder to imagine that when we emerge from this the World will be as it was. Maybe that is for the better, but it does not make it any less uncertain. It opens up the realm of possibilities none of us thought of. It is changing things on unprecedented levels. Just a week ago many, if not most, of us believed sports would not, could not be canceled. They were one of the first things to go. Whole countries have been shut down, borders closed, jobs redefined within hours. There is no doubt this is a wild time, a time of change and opportunity, of opening our minds and hearts. It is a moment where we decide how to react, how to respond to all of this with more humanity and love, moving society further with intention. This is the pause button Mother Earth so desperately needed, and many of us wished for. It is time to create and challenge ourselves to be better. We are redefining society- you do have a choice and a voice.

We must decide to take care of each other. Understand that what we are experiencing is serious. This is not the time to travel. Even if you do not feel sick you could be a carrier that takes someone’s life because you wanted to go to the beach. The small town and island infrastructures cannot handle travelers at this point. Their medical systems cannot support the people that live there in this crisis, and the strain of travelers could be detrimental. Stay home, there is plenty to learn and do. Reconnect with family, with yourself. Access the at-home yoga programs and workouts that many are currently offering (myself for one, Downdog along with their workout apps are free until April). I am personally doing the Jedi MasterMind class from the lovely couple Jason & Chelsea of Yogaslackers!

What can you do to make the most of this time? How do you want your life to look after this? I believe this is also a wake-up call to many financially, as most of us live paycheck to paycheck. For that, I recommend using Dave Ramsey’s course, Financial Peace University, to turn things around and get a better plan moving forward. I know it helped me put things into perspective.

I also urge you to not buy in bulk at this time. There are many who are going without essentials simply because they cannot find them at the stores. We are all in this together, and we need to act like it. We need to take care of each other through these simple acts of buying food like we normally would, so everyone can still eat. Continue to order food to go to support local businesses. They might not make it through this time otherwise. This also helps take some of the burdens off of the grocery stores that cannot keep up at this time and allows for a better distribution of food to all.

It is in times of uncertainty that we not only truly see others, but ourselves. The choices we make can move mountains or close doors. They can save a life as quickly as end one. Do we act as a people, or a person?

I hope you all stay safe. I believe we can come out of this better, in many ways.

Love & Light

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