Walk hands to the left side, putting more weight in the right side body for a deeper stretch
Walk hands over to the right, putting more weight in the left side body for a deeper side stretch
Come up to all fours, match your breath to the movement for cat-cow. Inhale, drop the belly (cow), inhale round the spine (cat)
Do cat-cow for a few rounds
With knees together, walk your hands behind you, lift the hips and chest, relax the neck
Come back forward and round into cat for a counter stretch. Do this as many times as necessary
Tuck the toes under the feet and push back into downward facing dog
Ground through the left hand and feet, reach the right hand to the left ankle for twisted dog
Ground the right hand, reach left hand to right ankle
Come into plank, lower to belly, lift chest for cobra (high or low, whichever works best for you)
Come back to down dog, lift right leg to sky for three legged dog
Bring right foot forward to lunge
Walk hands to center for wide-legged forward-fold
Exhale into wide-legged forward fold
Inhale halfway lift, walk hands to right leg keeping equal weight in both feet
Walk hands to left foot, keeping equal weight in both feet
Come back to center, take elbows in hands, forward fold and relax into rag doll
Inhale half lift, release hands, walk hands back to top of mat for lunge
Step right foot back. Go through flow (chaturunga, cobra, down dog). From down dog, lift right leg into three legged dog, bring right knee behind right wrist for pigeon. Walk hands by hips, lift chest. Breathe.
Stay lifted or walk hands forward to block or all the way to the earth. Keep hips even (do not roll off to either side)
Come back up, step back to plank, go through flow. From down dog, lift left leg into three legged dog and enter pigeon on left side
Find your depth/edge in pigeon
Come back into plank, go through flow. From down dog, look to hands and step or hop feet forward to meet hands. Forward fold.
Lower hips to earth. Inhale reach hands to sky
Exhale. Hands behind back, fingertips point to bum. Lift chest and chin.
Ground through feet and palms, lift hips to sky
Lower hips, forward fold
Lay on your back, hug right knee into chest, right arm falls out to side (gaze follows). Right knee comes across body for spinal twist
Switch legs (right leg out long, left knee to chest). Left arm out to the side, left knee crosses body for spinal twist.
Left leg to earth, right foot to sky. Hands interlaced behind thigh or calf, gently pulling leg towards the face
Switch legs
Ground feet just below bum, hands at sides, palms facing down. Lift hips into bridge. Hold for a few breaths, gently lower down.
Variation two- walk hands under shoulders, interlace hands, lift hips. Hold for a few breaths. Gently lower down.
Variation three- hands by shoulders, fingertips point to shoulders. Push through feet and palms into wheel. Hold for a few breaths, gently lower down.
Hug knees to chest. Straighten legs to sky for waterfall (may use wall for support)
Hold waterfall or work into shoulder stand, using hands for support on lower back. Do not look around – neck is vulnerable.
Reach toes over head into plow, hands on lower back for support
Relax knees if hamstrings are tight or to drop a bit deeper. Hold for a few breaths, gently lower back down to the earth.
Souls of the feet come together, knees drop wide as you lay on your back. Easy breathing, when ready find your way into savasana and relax into the pose as long as needed.
Inspired by my partners long and hard work days, here are some simple poses to help release that constant back tension. Flip through the slide-show or follow along with the video below. Remember to take it at your own pace, listening to your body and staying with your breath.
“By releasing the resistance a little more every day, you will feel the power that creates worlds flowing through you… just breathing and listening, not to make something happen, but for the pleasure and comfort of alignment.” – Abraham-Hicks
Do not mind the wonderful poodle and doodle that will not leave me alone. They are just physical representations of the constant distractions we are surrounded with, on and off the mat. 😉
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out!