Neck Flow for Tension Release

Neck Flow for Tension Release

In our lives, we tend to hold a lot of unnecessary tension. We build up all this stress in ourselves and we hold it in our bodies, hardly ever giving it the outlet to let go. Between driving, office jobs, and working on computers we put a lot of strain on our bodies, hunching over and tensing up. We need to learn to release, to counter these unhealthy habits we are creating for ourselves.

On top of this, most of us are usually dehydrated (you are supposed to drink eight 8-ounce cups of water per day), which can relate to headaches, cramps, mood swings and more. When we are properly hydrated our body can work optimally because you are supplying it with a vital part- water.

Water is magical. All life is connected to water, and the best things in my life have always been with water, but that is for another post…

I digress. We live our lives with unhealthy habits that most of us are not even aware of, constantly working against ourselves and building up more tension, more stress of the body until we break and/or find ourselves in dis-ease. This post is just a few simple things we can do for ourselves to counter that and release some of the tension in our necks.

Neck Flow

Highlighted in the video, here are a few simple poses you can do to help relieve that tension (do these are your own pace, as many times as you need)-

  1. Neck Circles. Drop your ear towards your shoulder and let your head travel in gentle circles all the way around. Be sure to do both sides. You may pause wherever there is excessive tension to bring more awareness into that part of the body and release.
  2. Neck Rotation. On an inhale let your head fall back as far as feels comfortable, pointing your chin towards the sky. On an exhale, bring your chin to your chest, rounding through the neck. Continue these motions while following your breath.
  3. Assisted Neck Stretch. Interlace the fingers and bring the hands behind the head, wherever feels best for your body (generally where the head meets the neck). Softly pull the chin towards the chest, allowing gravity to do most of the work here for you, no need to force it. Let the elbows hang on either side of the head and release and relax into the stretch.
  4. Assisted Side Neck Stretch. Bring your right hand up and over your head, so the fingers touch the left ear. Gently pull the right ear towards the right shoulder. Similar things apply here, do not force the stretch, just add a little pressure until it feels right for you. Be easy with yourself and stay with your breath. Be sure to do both sides.
  5. Shoulder Shrugs. We are creating our own tension here. On an inhale, bring the shoulders up as close as you can to the ears, and on the exhale completely let them drop and relax. You can do this one with some fire and spunk on the exhale, really allowing yourself to let go!

Other Tips

  • Hydrate.
    • As stated earlier, most of us are generally dehydrated. Drink that water to see a difference!
  • Focus on the breath.
    • Simply taking three big deep breaths in and out have been proven to calm the mind. I use this all the time when I get overwhelmed or need a switch of perspective!
  • Aromatherapy.
    • Peppermint and Lavender are wonderful oils to use to release and relax. Be sure that you are using therapeutic grade oils, and never apply an oil without a carrier (lotion, coconut oil, sweet almond, etc.)

Added tips:
I am a firm believer in a balanced life and strive to live my own in such a way. I also believe that this includes a balance of nutrition, yoga, massage, chiropractic care and exercise. While I understand these are not always available (or financially reasonable), they do all work wonderfully together to create that optimal experience. Do what you can for yourself with what you have, where you are. 

Love & Light

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