Red River Gorge Getaway

Red River Gorge Getaway

“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” – John Muir

I am learning that nature and my soul are inseparable. You cannot take one away from the other. My heart longs to be under the stars, my body aches to walk along a dirt path. My ears listen for the rustle of the wind as my eyes seek the abundant colors of the sun rising and setting. A full day in nature is more living than a week in town. I feel more alive as I rewild my soul.


I originally planned a much different weekend, but the weather decided otherwise. With the invite to head to Red River Gorge on the table, I simply could not refuse. I had not been to this lovely spot in years, at the very beginning of what ended up being a turning point in my life. I had wandered down to the Gorge to film a story about Rocktoberfest for my college class (I was studying to become a News Anchor at the time-funny how life changes) and ran into a group of rock climbers from NKU. They introduced me into climbing and began reigniting my spirit for the outdoors. That was my first and only time at the Gorge since my return this past weekend.


As I drove through the winding roads of Kentucky, memories flew by. Who I had been last time I was there seemed like a ghost to who I was now. And yet, so much was the same. It was the same season, showing the same beautiful fall colors as the leaves changed. The clouds were not in the sky, but amongst the valleys, allowing for hauntingly stunning morning views as one gazed over the trees to catch the many colors of the sunrise catching the droplets of water that formed the hanging fog. A simple adventure to the wild lets the soul wander and heal.

What did a weekend getaway in Red River Gorge entail?

Watching stars fall over us near Half Moon. Debating the origin of wishing and why we are so fascinated by rocks burning up as they enter the atmosphere.

Considering just how dangerous the cliff edges of Chimney top Rock really are, and deciding that testing our fate in light of figuring that out was not really worth it at the time.

An intro to Acro Yoga and Slacklining (using my one-inch primitive set-up from YogaSlackers because it is way more convenient to lug around through the woods).

A round of beers at a cool climbers bar, Skybridge Station.

Pizza and Ale81’s at Miguel’s (of course). Where I finally put together the pun- Ale81 = A late one!

Driving through Nada Tunnel.

Hiking to the Indian Ladder, and scrambling up it with Ocoee.

Camping at the top and watching the sunset near Frog Rock.

More slacklining.

A morning meditation over coffee and a solid yoga practice before packing up and heading back to good ole Ohio.

And more memories than can be summarized in a post…

The Best Gear for the Getaway

A friend recently asked me some of my favorite gear and what I would recommend they have. I kept that in mind during the weekend adventures and this is what took the win for this trip:


I cannot imagine my life without these wonderful shoes. I wear them any chance I get, probably even sometimes when I should not. But for a weekend like this, they came in clutch. These grippy, supportive and stable sandals have gotten me through a lot (mountains, river guiding, dog walks, and now Red River Gorge).

Teeki Wear

I am obsessed. These clothing items are not only super light (aka breathable, easy to pack, quick drying, etc.) they are also extremely eco-friendly as they are made from recycled plastic bottles. Huge win all around.

Jetboil Flash Stove System (accompanied by Folgers coffee packs)

If you like warm food and drinks, you want to have a trustworthy and easy stove system. Kyle was the master chef on this trip, but we have the same stove and he did an awesome job using it. They also introduced me to the Folgers coffee bags- man they are good. Thumbs up.

MSR Hubba Hubba

I got this tent a few years back and was happy for any excuse to break it out. It was a lovely night and I ended up being able to leave the rain fly off and watch the stars through the tent. With plenty of room to spare for Ocoee and myself, I felt safe and comfortable.

Ruffwear (for you dog owners out there!)

Ocoee has a few pieces of their gear collection, but my favorite at this point is her backpack. She can carry her own food, doggie bags, and toys! This goes with my idea that if you cannot carry it, you should not have it.

Mexican Blankets

For oh so many reasons! When the ground is damp or a bit rocky, they make it much more comfortable. When you want to practice yoga, acro yoga or meditate- it is a quick and easy way to create a sacred space. When you are chilly and just need a blanket. I think you get the point here.

YogaSlackers E-Line

There are many other lines out there, but this is my travel-friendly line and I love it! Lightweight and easy to set up. And a fun way to play at camp!

Love & Light

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