Morning Fruit Bowl {A healthy dose of adventure & perspective}

Morning Fruit Bowl {A healthy dose of adventure & perspective}

Life is an adventure. We search, we learn, we grow. It is put together by experiences, emotions and evolving. Do not limit yourself on these.

Over this past summer, my journey has escalated quickly. I am sure we have all experienced some big changes in our lives, some underlying current pushing us forward, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not. I will not go too hippy on you {yet} by going into energies and astrology, but I will just ask that you open yourself to the possibility of how those could be relating in your life. Because it is all influencing you and your journey. Each person you surround yourself with has a certain energy, has a certain lesson to teach you. So be careful as to who you are surrounding yourself with.

This summer I have been lucky. As I began a portion of my journey, and almost for the first time, alone, I was definitely curious as to where it would take me and who would cross my path. I am delighted to share that the friends I have made this summer are some of the most inspirational people I have met to date. As expected, it has taught me a lot.

Surround yourself with good people.

People who challenge you, who make you want to open your eyes, heart, and mind. Who tell you about the “4% factor.” Where you should always push yourself 4% past your comfort level, and you will see exponential growth, no matter what you are doing. Whether it is pouring yourself into a blog, stepping onto a high-line for the first time, crushing that wave, running that much farther… find your 4%.

Josh slaying it. With bubbles.

Find those types of friends.

The ones who can be so unbelievably talented, but humble as a monk. Find the friends that find humor in the little things, and help you laugh at yourself. The ones who want to see you learn and grow, and support it!

Helping with the high-line. Photo cred: Jesse Jewell

Find the friends who are constantly doing learning & growing themselves, and want to share it with you.

The ones who tell you about the little and big life lessons, like that idea that life comes down to three things, and if you can manage two then you are doing well, but if you manage them all then you have really understood life. Resources. Time. Energy.

Josh being a boss.

Find the people who inspire you.

But let us take it even a step further; let yourself be one of those people. You have to be able to inspire yourself, to be your own best friend. To have your own best interest at heart, and be open to having the best interest for all at heart. Because we are all one. And when you open yourself to that, the people that you need will find you.

What does all this have to do with a morning fruit bowl?

On what started as an average Moab morning, my friends invited me to join them on an adventure to the Fruit Bowl, a popular spot for high-lining and base jumping. Since I recently jacked up my shoulder, I just expected to observe the experience. Instead, I was immersed.

And therefore reminded of these important things shared above. After meeting at 6 a.m., a beautiful and bumpy drive out into the middle of the high desert- which always leaves me asking, how did people find these places?!– and a trek out over Mineral Bottom Canyon… the adventure began. I witnessed my first high-line being set up. And some rad tricks performed (check out the video to see Moab Monkeys & SlacklineJosh straight up slaying life). Bubbles were brought out. Brian BASE jumped through bubbles into the majestic scenery. And then my own skills were tested… the chongo mount… tandem slacking… and finally, my first high-line. I did not try to stand at this point, but I scooted out over the 300 ft drop as Josh talked me through what to try with my balance. High-lining, you are now on my list.

Photo cred: Jesse Jewell

So, I invite you to enjoy a morning fruit bowl. A healthy dose of adventure and perspective.

See you out there.

Love & Light

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