Mineral Springs {& their Benefits}

Mineral Springs {& their Benefits}

Nowadays, most of us are familiar with the idea that Epsom salt baths and hot tubs can be beneficial to us in many ways. Other than just feeling fantastic.

But what about mineral springs?

Not too long ago, I took a road-trip with my friend Austin to Telluride, CO, where I got to experience my first hot spring! It was a neat experience (aside from the deer fly attack), and brought me to pose the question, how do hot springs benefit you?

I am a huge fan of epsom salt baths. They help clear your energy, release toxins, give your body a boost of healthy minerals… what is not to love?! But this past winter I learned that I had been doing it all wrong- apparently, you have to be in the bath for approximately 45 minutes for it to work properly with your body. The first 20 minutes is when the toxins are being pulled out of your body, while the next 20-25 minutes allows for the absorption of minerals to occur. Do not forget to rinse off after! (Not just for cleanliness but for energy as well).

Let us not forget good ole’ hot tubs. 😀 Truly though, they can serve a wonderful therapeutic purpose as they help relax the muscles, almost giving the body a massage-like experience. And decreasing the chance of soreness and cramps later. Woohoo, hot tubs!

Knowing all of this, I was sure there was a connection between the natural hot springs and deeper benefits than the superficial enjoyment.

Down to the nitty gritty- what are the benefits?

According to Dr. Andrew Weil, a leading practitioner in integrative medicine, hot springs can have the following benefits:

  • Relieve joint pain
  • Alleviate muscle fatigue
  • Repair tissue damage
  • Alleviate ligament damage
  • Relieve arthritis
  • Ease high blood pressure
  • Reduce eczema symptoms
  • Nasal congestion
  • Aids circulation
  • Aids digestion
  • Improve fibromyalgia symptoms

Is this some new fad?

Not at all. The Chinese and Japanese have been using and aware of mineral springs and benefits for centuries. And it can be broken down pretty easily to understand how they can contain so many benefits.

How can these springs be so beneficial?

The leading benefit from mineral springs comes from the warm water temperature. As one soaks in the warm water, the muscles are soothed and the pores are opened, which allows for the beneficial minerals to soak into the skin. Depending on which spring you are in, you can benefit from different things. For instance, one higher in salt water would assist more deeply in the digestion area, whereas sodium bicarbonate and calcium aid more with circulation.

Overall, it is the water temperature and pressure that does the trick. As the body is warmed and soothed, the muscles relax and become more buoyant in the water, taking pain and pressure off of them and allowing for better circulation and the body to heal in a natural state while absorbing the healing minerals. Very literally, go and soak it up! Let yourself relax and heal in these natural spas!


Want to find a natural hot spring near you? Try out this site!


Fun fact: if the spring is below 99-degrees farenheite, it is considered a ‘warm spring.’ 99-degrees & above is considered a ‘hot spring’.

Think you found a new obsession? Join the forum for tips & tricks of hot springs.

Now you know about some of the benefits- try it out for yourself! But do not forget that soaking in hot water is going to make you sweat (even if you cannot see it) and dehydrate you, so drink plenty of (regular) water!

Love & Light

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