We Should Be So Lucky…

We Should Be So Lucky…

We should be so lucky to have our worlds turned upside down.

To fall in love,
Crazy, stupid love.
One that changes us,

That makes us question everything we have ever known and believed.

A love that shakes our foundations and makes us see things differently.
And we should be so lucky to lose that love too.
To have that new world we built up, ripped from under our feet.
Because it is then that you start to form your own perspective.
You are no longer seeing through the eyes of your family, your hometown.
You are no longer seeing through the eyes of your loved one.
You are seeing things for yourself.
You have removed your rose colored glasses, and are seeing things in different lights & colors.
You are kneeling on your own knees, realizing how to stand- maybe for the first time.

And it may hurt,
But let it hurt.
We learn from pain.
It is better to feel that pain and yearn to understand it than to shut it out and suppress real feelings.
Let it hurt, but do not let it break you.
Do not build up walls against life.
Instead, let it open you more.
Look at all you learned.
Look at how it helped you grow.
Let it influence you,
Not destroy you.

Do not be afraid to let others in, who are genuinely curious.
Do not be afraid to look into another and see love.
But do not be rash, either.
There is no rush in the natural flow.
You do not need to search for the things meant for you,
You may help them along,
But they will find you, as you will find them.

And as you rise from your fall,
Maybe you realize why they call it
“falling in love.”
Maybe you realize that you are stronger than you know,
And love is not something to fear,
Simply because of the fall.

Why fear something so grand?
Because it can hurt you?
Life hurts, it tends to do that.
Yet we cannot live our lives in fear,
for that is not living at all.
Take the leaps that matter.
Have the faith in love and life.
Let this heartbreak teach you that you are stronger than the fall.
That you can rise on your own and love again,
Because it is worth it.
Because you are worth it.

May you be so lucky to fall in love and have your heart broken, your world turned upside down,
So then you can realize you are love and your world is your own.


*Love & Light*

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