Ground & Clear {Video}

Ground & Clear {Video}

“I am grounded. My spirit is grounded deep in the Earth. I am calm, strong, centered and peaceful. I am able to let go of fear and trust that I am eternally safe. I am worthy of all things beautiful.”

– Carly Marie


This week we address breath more intensely. Take the time to review the beginning part of the video, where I walk you through how to breathe correctly, what a full breath is and we (begin) to use the breath of fire (a more in-depth post on these specifics will be coming). Then we delve into a small singing bowl session, to begin our grounding & clearing yoga practice amongst the La Sal Mountains.

Feel free to pause and review, taking the time your body needs to move through this practice. Listen to your body, follow your breath. Let these postures lead you to release anything that is no longer serving you.

Why is it important to ground & clear?

We all get caught up in this thing called life. It is easy to get distracted and stressed by trivial things, as addressed in last week’s post. And a great way to counter that stress is to refocus the mind and body through grounding & clearing out one’s energy.

Grounding is seen as reconnecting to the Earth. It is an extension of your relationship to nature, to the root of life. There are many ways to ground; sitting beside a tree, standing barefoot in the grass, going for a walk in the woods. It all helps. So today we ground through our poses and breath. Allowing ourselves to take a step back and look at the big picture. Allowing our hearts to open as we listen to our bodies and flow with the natural rhythm of our own breath. If you can practice outside, I would suggest it. Maybe even at a favorite spot of yours, a park or by a tree or lake. Where ever calls to you.

It is important to clear one’s energy as well. As easy as it is to get caught up in the clouds, it is also easy to hone in on negativity and unwanted energy. So take the time to clear all of that away, only leaving the clear and open energy. The pure you, not anyone else’s version or problems. Just you. Disconnect from anything that is bringing you down, allow yourself to be purely you and let go of anything prohibiting your clear mind, heart, and growth.

Once we do these things, we can see life through a more true light. We are able to make better choices for our best selves, we can trust our instincts and follow our paths without questioning every turn. It is important to reconnect with yourself, and with nature because of this very reason. Allow yourself to be open to the experience.




I hope you enjoy this practice & I look forward to sharing more with you.

Thank you for all your love & support! As always, comments and donations are always welcome.


*Love & Light*

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