Dolphin Flow Class {Yoga Video}

Dolphin Flow Class {Yoga Video}

“Dance with the waves, move with the sea, let the rhythm of the water set your soul free.” – Christie Anne Martine

This week we head back to the ocean to explore a full body flow. Our environments affect us more than we can imagine, so let this peaceful day in Marco Island spread to your mat. Let the sun shine on your skin, the sound of the water calm your thoughts, the salty wind soothe your worries; just be.

There is a reason people go on vacation and escape to beautiful places to relax. An environment is a magical place for our well being. But there is beauty everywhere, it is just easier to find in some places because the beauty is displayed in a more obvious way. Yet, when you begin to look around and find gratitude for the area you are at, it can surprise you. Take the time to explore the nature that surrounds your area. See what you find.

Today’s class is approximately a 30-minute all-levels flow. Feel free to pause this video as much as you need to hold and work on a pose. Take the time to enjoy and get the most out of YOUR practice. And of course, breath. ☺️

Dolphin Flow {Yoga Video} from Bohom Life on Vimeo.

As always, I look forward to hearing any comments and feedback from the class! If you can, donations are much appreciated and help keep this thing going! To donate you would just click the donate button on the right side of the blog or go under the Schedule & Book option on the menu.

*Love & Light*

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