I Find Myself {Poem}

I Find Myself {Poem}

“When you let go of who you are, you become who you might be.” -Rumi

As I choose to let go, more and more I find myself.

I find myself happy. I find myself free. I find myself intrigued and growing. I find myself in nature, wondering at Her beauty. Listening to the wind and the waves as they sing, soaking in Her sun, feeling Her grounding presence; loved by all that is, for all is me and I am all- we are one, connected.

I find myself in the serendipitous coincidences. In the silence of beautiful moments where it is not truly silent, for She speaks to me. I find myself in the clouds, as they play in the sky. I find myself in that lone bird, traveling high. I realize I do not ask why that bird is traveling alone, instead I feel I know, and I appreciate its flight, his outlook from above. What a gift he has been given to soar the skies, play on the winds, dance amongst the clouds.

Does he think the same of me? As I delve into the ocean seas, tasting the salt on my tongue, watching the life of the current push and pull, an eternal dance along its sandy shores. As I walk to the land, the grains of salt and sand intermingled and hugging my skin. How I can climb a tree, befriending branch by branch, until I am granted with his view. And the rocks… touching and supporting one another. Becoming so intimate with nature that we study, know and depend on each other. To the top of a mountain, winds screaming with joy! We are gifted too, with our own abilities of enjoying this life.

I find myself in these words, on pages and pen. The ink my blood, the paper my skin. Writing, my soul uncovered. Discovering myself in the flow of letting go. 

*Love & Light*

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