It’s Okay To Be Alone.

It’s Okay To Be Alone.

It’s okay to be alone.

To search for solitude

In the minds home.

I find peace within myself;

Letting my mind wander,

As my body roams about.

You can label me as you want,



I merely enjoy my own presence

To that of large groups

And inauthentic experience.

Give me a tree to sit under,

Stars to gaze,

An authentic conversation,

None of those

Can I beat.

But I have found

That being alone

Is not the same

As being lonely.

You see,

Au contraire,

Being alone

Sets me free.

Free to be myself

To understand

And grow

To know

Who I am.

To love myself.

And therefore,

I cannot be lonely.

To be lonely is to be destitute,


But if you know and love yourself,

How could you ever be this?

And if you walk this Earth

Through the forests, amongst the trees,

Beside the wildflowers,

Talking to the bees…

Or dance with the waves

As they kiss the shore,

How could you lack companionship?

How could you want more?

It’s okay to be alone.

To search for solitude

In the minds home.

*Love & Light*

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